Michael Shorts - UKMA Instructor

Michael Shorts has over a decade of experience in martial arts, the majority of which has been spent under the tutelage of Mstr. Bob Zacharias. He currently holds the rank of Green Belt at the Instructor level in Krav Maga under United Krav Maga Association. He is currently on the path to testing to Blue Belt in the spring of 2023. He has been teaching at Krav Maga Hampton Roads (KMHR) for nearly a decade. Within that time, through the guidance of Mstr. Zacharias, Michael has assisted in building and developing several programs at Krav Maga Hampton Roads. Including the Krav Maga Juniors, Krav Maga Tigers, the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Program for both adults and juniors, as well as an Assistant Instructor Program. Today he continues to guide the students at KMHR in reaching their goals in life, and in realistic self-defense. 


  • Krav Maga - Green Belt (Instructor Certification with UKMA)

  • Brazilian Jiu Jitsu - Purple Belt

  • Tae Kwon Do - Orange Belt

  • Past experience in boxing